ICS2 November update for our customers
Following on earlier communication about the implementation of ICS2 we would like to update you with additional information regarding the impact this change will have on you.
ICS2 briefly
The European Union is implementing a new customs pre-arrival security and safety programme. To cope with these changes, A2B-online has made preparations in our connections with Portbase and our EDI connected customers, and will continue to submit ICS declarations on your behalf.
Read more about ICS2 on our global info page about ICS2Implementation timeline and important dates
The ICS2 implementation must take place before December 4th 2024. We have planned to introduce the implementation changes on November 26th 2024. This means that all laden bookings from the UK to EU will need additional information in their booking as explained on this website page.
Please note that we will not be able to ship your container without this information!
2024, November 0th
2024, December 0th
ICS2 requirements
To comply with the rules of the security and safety programme we will need to supply additional information to the EU Shared Trader Interface. The accuracy of the data is the responsibility of you as a customer. Ensure all eastbound bookings from the UK to the Netherlands contain new requested information. Of course, we will inform you what the most important items to add are.
Newly requested information
Commodity codes will be mandatory for all goods items and must be at least 6 digits long.
Buyer & Seller information including address.

Booking options with A2B-online
Booking via EDI
Existing customers with an EDI connection have been notified about changes in our EDI format. If you have not done so make sure to follow this format and start testing with us. Contact details have been shared in individual messages. If you don’t have an EDI connection and are interested in connecting with A2B-online, please let us know!
Bookings sent by email
When you send your bookings via email, please add the additional information within your booking. The booking will be processed like you are accustomed to.
Bookings via our customer portal
When you have an account with our customer portal you will be able to update your bookings with the correct information starting November 15th. We strongly recommend that you start adding the information to your bookings as soon as the option is available. You can find instructions for processing the required information in the overview below. If you don’t have an account for our customer portal and are interested in connecting with A2B-online, please let us know!

Contact us

Pieter Blom
“We appreciate your cooperation and attentiveness to these updates as we work together to ensure a smooth transition to ICS2 compliance!”

André Mast
“If you don’t have an EDI-connection and are interested in connecting with A2B-online, please let us know. We would be happy to tell you more about this way of working and its many benefits.”

Edward Spaans
“ICS2 aims to simplify the free flow of trade, A2B-online ensures a smooth transition in the process.”
What is your question on ICS2?
For specific questions on the impact of ICS2 on your business or the business with A2B-online you can of course contact us.
Please email your question to ics2@a2b-online.com or use our contact form.