ICS2 update for our container customers
What does the implementation of ICS2 mean for you as a container customer of A2B-online? How big is the impact on your current way of working?
In this update, we inform you more about the changes the implementation of ICS2 will bring for you and the additional information requested.
ICS2 briefly
As you now know the European Union is implementing a new customs pre-arrival security and safety programme. To cope with the changes A2B-online has made preparations in our connections with Portbase and with our customers who are connected with us via EDI.
Read more about ICS2 on our global info page about ICS2December 4, 2024
Implementation of ICS2 is due by 4 December 2024. We expect to need the additional information in your booking from the end of November to ensure that all information is available to share with the EU Shared Trader Interface.
Changes in your booking
To comply with the rules of the security and safety programme, we will need to supply additional information to the EU Shared Trader Interface. The responsibility for data accuracy rests with our customers; with you!
The most important items you will need to add to your eastbound (Eastbound) booking from the UK to the Netherlands are: commodity codes, the EORI number and buyer & seller information.
Without this information we will not be able to ship your container!
Newly requested information
Commodity codes will be mandatory for all goods items and must be at least 6 digits long.
EORI number will be mandatory in case the shipper, consignee, buyer or seller are.
Buyer & Seller information including address.

5 most frequently asked questions about ICS2
1. What will change in my laden eastbound booking with A2B-online?
The process of placing a booking with A2B-online will remain the same. However, you will need to provide additional information for our booking and shipping team to accept and load your container.
We are still in the development phase, although the outlines are becoming visible. In addition to the current information you provide for shipping a container, we will need:
- Buyer & Seller
- HS code with a minimum of 6 digits
2. What will change in my empty eastbound booking with A2B-online?
At this moment, no changes are foreseen for empty bookings.
3. When will these changes be applicable?
The ICS2 implementation must take place before December 4th, 2024. Starting at the end of November, we will need the additional information in your booking to ensure that all required data is available to share with the EU Shared Trader Interface.
4. What will change in my EDI connection with A2B-online?
All EDI-connected customers have been contacted personally to discuss the changes we need to make. To comply with the required booking information, we have updated our XML in various segments, including adding HS code and buyer & seller information.
The update, including instructions, has been shared with all relevant parties. If you wish to receive this information as well, please let us know.
5. Are there any other changes to be expected?
From October 2024, a Safety & Security Declaration (SSD) will be required for laden containers shipped into the UK.
As a shipping line, we will be responsible for the Entry Summary Declaration (ENS). We can prepare the SSD (or ENS) using the information you already provide when making your booking with A2B-online. You will not need to provide any additional information beyond what is required for the ICS2 changes.
Is your question not listed in the Q&A?
If so, please email your question to ics2@a2b-online.com or use our contact form.